A message from Elementary School Counsellor, Angela Hagen:
Hi there, Folks! I hope you are doing well during this uncertain time, as schools prepare for learning to continue through the winter term and possible Covid disruptions.
This has indeed been a stressful time for many! One of the best ways to deal with being at home (again!) during Covid-19, is just to have someone to talk to. I hope that you are all finding ways to stay connected with friends and family.
Here are some helpful Mental Health & Wellness information links to help you and your family through this season. (Of course, School counselling and other social/emotional support services will continue, even if there are further disruptions to at-school learning.)
Below, you will find contact info for local agencies, as well as resources to help with most counselling needs, including Covid-related issues, anxiety, self-regulation, internet and personal safety, divorce, grief, trauma, and depression.
Here is a link to “18 good news stories you might have missed this past year”
Covid-19 Resources for Parents and Children
Mental Health Support for Children & Youth During COVID-19
RESOURCES FOR PARENTS (and some for Kids and youth)
Re: Anxiety, Trauma, Grief, Anger, Bullying, Family Problems, etc.:
Local North Island COUNSELLING SERVICES for children, youth, parents, and families, include:
1. CYMH (Child &Youth Mental Health): Port Hardy 250-949- 8011
2. NICCCS (North Island Crisis & Counselling Centre Society): Port Hardy 250-949-8333
3. North Island Community Services: Port McNeill 250-956-4214
4. Discovery Youth & Family Substance Use Services: Port Hardy 250‐902‐6063
ONLINE Information and Links:
• LOCAL mental health resources https://nicccs.org/resources/
• VIRTUAL mental health supports https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/managing-your-health/mental-health-substance-use/virtual-mental-health-supports#youth
• PROVINCE OF BC MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORTS FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/mental-health-support-in-bc/children-and-youth
• KIDS HELP PHONE: https://kidshelpphone.ca
EASE at Home (Everyday ANXIETY Strategies for Educators) https://healthymindsbc.gov.bc.ca/ease-at-home/
Confident Parents, Thriving Kids (for parents of kids with anxiety or behaviour issues): https://welcome.cmhacptk.ca
Self-Regulation Parent Resources from the Mehrit Centre (Dr. Stuart Shanker):
OR https://self-reg.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/infosheet_SelfRegParents.pdf
Zones of Regulation https://www.nd.gsacrd.ab.ca/download/94431
PBS Kids for Parents: Social Skills
Five Ways Parents Can Help Kids Improve Social Skills
• ADHD & Trauma
ADHD in Children and Youth
Kelty Mental Health: ADHD
Anxiety Canada: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder https://www.anxietycanada.com/disorders/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-2/
Symptoms and Strategies for PTSD in Children and Teens
Gabor Mate: ADHD & TRAUMA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEa0-t4Icss. (This is a 2 min excerpt from one of his talks on ADHD)
• SAFETY Resources:
Internet Safety: https://protectchildren.ca/en/resources-research/online-safety/
Sexual Health Education: Kerri Isham, Power Up Education
Simply Safe Kids (Body Safety):
BULLYING info for parents: https://www.prevnet.ca/bullying/parents
• GRIEF Resources for Individuals, Parents, Families, and Children
My Grief.ca http://www.mygrief.ca
Kids Grief.ca https://kidsgrief.ca
Children & Youth Grief Centre https://www.childrenandyouthgriefnetwork.com
• DIVORCE Resources for Parents, Families, and Children
1) https://bc.familieschange.ca/en/parents/parent-guide
2) https://bc.familieschange.ca/en/kids
3) https://bc.familieschange.ca/en/teens
Video: Dinosaurs Divorce https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQcrq96608A
• DEPRESSION Resources
Depression in Children and Youth: Information for Parents and Caregivers https://www.ementalhealth.ca/Canada/Depression-in-Children-and-Youth-Information-for-Parents-and-Caregivers/index.php?m=article&ID=8879
Parents’ Guide to Teen Depression: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/depression/parents-guide-to-teen-depression.htm
When a Parent is Depressed: https://www.camh.ca/en/health-info/guides-and-publications/when-a-parent-is-depressed
FUN and HELPFUL Additional Tools, Tips and Ideas